#STVO001: stahlhalle sessions improfete juli 2024
erste ausgabe von den stahlhalle sessions. viele schöne und überraschende musikalische momente sind an dem abend zu chili sin carne und allerlei säften in bester gesellschaft entstanden. bitte lauschen
alle aufnahmen im .mp3 format @320kb als .zip datei herunterladen(335.30mb)
alle aufnahmen im .flac format @48kHz/16bit als .zip datei herunterladen(822.08mb)
this work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- 01. Ia jethro ray’s tower 18m24s -
- davor (git)
- jimmy (b)
- martin (git)
- sabrina (fl)
- til (dr)
- 02. Ib wagner—biro—boogie 8m12s -
- davor (git)
- jimmy (b)
- martin (git)
- sabrina (fl)
- til (dr)
- 03. II into battle and beyond 14m22s -
- see (git)
- jimmy (b)
- martin (git)
- til (dr)
- 04. IIIa those who seek 9m03s -
- davor (git)
- miha (b)
- sabrina (fl)
- marlene (as)
- til (dr)
- 05. IIIb ascending // 12 bar fusion-blues, brothers and sisters 13m59s -
- davor (git)
- miha (b)
- sabrina (fl)
- marlene (as)
- til (dr)
- 06. IVa shruti trifold 7m19s -
- michael (b)
- davor (git)
- martin (git)
- til (dr)
- 07. IVb jerrys chickenshack (dubwise) 5m17s -
- michael (b)
- davor (git)
- martin (git)
- til (dr)
- 08. IVc bang a cowbell like lucy (get it on jerry bolan) 4m26s -
- michael (b)
- davor (git)
- martin (git)
- til (dr)
- 09. Va michis little ditty >> franklins tower 6m08s -
- davor (git)
- til (b)
- steffi (dr)
- michael (git, voc)
- martin (git, voc)
- 10. Vb franklins marbles 2m47s -
- davor (git)
- til (b)
- steffi (dr)
- michael (git, voc)
- martin (git, voc)
- 11. Vd >>slipknot 12m43s -
- gerald (git)
- davor (git)
- til (b)
- steffi (dr)
- michael (git, voc)
- martin (git, voc)
- 12. VIa laid low ulterior motive 21m14s -
- til (dr)
- michael (b)
- gerald (git)
- martin (git)
- david (perc)
- 13. VIb intermodal transnational exchange shoppe 18m31s -
- til (dr)
- michael (b)
- gerald (git)
- martin (git)
- david (perc)
recorded by stvo members, friends and friendly strangers @ stvo stahlhalle on 2024-07-12
mix, production & gestaltung by martin guggisberg